requires no learning to hear 收听不需要学习196;
retrieves town crier 使叫卖人再现189;
reverses into television 使电视逆转16,189;
tetradic assessment of “媒介四定律”对广播的评估16,189;
vs.television 广播对电视52,107,108,154;
“wireless” “无线电”15,142,174,181
rap music as “cool” music 作为“酷”音乐的说唱乐 107,117
rationality:as consequence of alphabet(McLuhan)理性:拼音字母表的产物178;
as improvement 理性的178
Reagan,Ronald 罗纳德·里根 68,111-112,154-155
RealAudio 实时音频,在线音频播放5,38,155,175,176;
vs.broadcast radio 实时音频对电台广播49-50
RealVideo 实时视频播放,在线视频播放5,151,155
“rear-view mirror”(McLuhan)后视镜(麦克卢汉)15-16,167,172-178,180-182,183-184,186,197;
and present as hypothetical midpoint between past and future 以过去和未来假设的中间点呈现181;
as narcissism 作为自恋性麻木的后视镜174;
as tool for responding to media critics 作为回应媒介批评工具的后视镜180;
clarifies uses of Internet 澄清互联网的用处181;
indicates media within media 暗示媒介里套媒介媒介174(see also media);
in music store 音乐店里的后视镜173-174;
linguistic 语言后视镜173-174;
multiplicity of views in 后视镜里多样景观185-186;
pros and cons 后视镜利弊176;
vs.“deep” retrieval(Levinson)后视镜对“深度”再现175,194-195;
refrigeration 冷藏13,147;
makes delicatessen an art form 冷藏工艺使熟食成为一种艺术形式148
“remedial media”(Levinson)“补救性”媒介(莱文森)179-180,195,202;
fundamental to media evolution “补救性”媒介是媒介演化的基本理论179(see also “anthropotropic”);see also telephone:answering machine;VCR;window shade