首页 1001个自闭症儿童养育秘诀




Applied Behavior Analysis,ABA应用行为分析

Antecedent 前因(触发因素)

Assistive Technology 辅助技术

Echolalia/echolalic 仿说

Fine motor activity 精细运动

Functional Behavior Analysis,FBA功能性行为分析

Gravitational insecurity 重力不安全感

Gross motor activity 粗大运动

Hand fidgets 安抚玩具

Hyper-sensitive 高度敏感

Hypo-sensitive 低度敏感

Individualized Education Plan,IEP个别训练计划

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,IDEA《残疾人教育法》

Language therapy 语言治疗

Negative Attention 负向关注

Neuro-typical,NT 非自闭症者(神经正常发育的)

Occupational Therapist,OT职能治疗师

Occupational Therapy 职能治疗

Para-educator 辅助老师

Perserverative Behavior/Perseveration 持续(重复)性言语行为或刻板行为

Perspective Taking 换位思考

Positive Behavior Support 正向行为支持

Positive Reinforcement 正强化

Prompt 辅助

Proprioception 本体觉

Reinforcement 强化

School-to-home Communication Book 家校沟通册

Self-regulation 自我管理

Sensory Integration (SI)感觉统合

Social Awareness 社会意识

Social Referencing Skills 社交参照技能

Social Stories 社交故事

Social Thinking Skills 社会认识技能

Social Thinking 社会认识

Speech Language Pathologists 语言治疗师

Theory of Mind(ToM) 心智理论

Token System 代币制

Vestibular 前庭觉

Visual perceptual 视觉感知(能力)
