The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say.
— Mark Twain
In this unit you will:
·be familiar with the definition of literature review
·know the importance of literature review
·grasp the structure of literature review
·learn how to write up literature review
Pre-class work
1. Work with your partner and discuss the following questions.
(1) According to your knowledge, how would you understand the term “literature” from academic perspective? And what literature sources should be searched? Please list some.
(2) If you are required to write a research paper, where can you find literature sources?
(3) Why should researchers make literature review in their research papers?
2. Can you make good use of library?
Study the following research paper outline and discuss with your partners how to make good use of a modern academic library.
Making Use of Academic Library to Conduct Research
Students who wish to write successful research papers must know as much as possible about the modern academic library—its central information system, reference works, online catalog of holdings, and other resources and services—and must be knowledgeable about finding useful Internet sources.
I. The central information system providing electronic resources and computer services
(1) Library’s catalog holdings
(2) Bibliographic reference database
(3) Other electronic resources
(4) Links to other library catalogs
(5) On-campus and off-campus access to system
II. Reference works arranged in a manageable system
(1) Types of reference works
A. Encyclopedias B. Biographies
C. Almanacs D. Dictionaries
E. Bibliographies F. Indexes
G. Abstracts H. Guides to research
I. Yearbooks J. Atlases