首页 研究生英语写作教程(第2版)

Section Two Classification


One effective way to develop a complex subject is to divide it into classes or categories according to some shared characteristics and then go on to explain each class or category separately.This method is called classification.Now read the following model essay carefully.

Types of Learners

Students seem to have a variety of learning styles.While some have to write down everything in order to learn, some seldom jot anything down but can also learn perfectly well.Why is this so? The simple answer is that people have different learning styles.Generally speaking, students can be put into three distinct groups on the basis of the ways they learn: visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners.

Visual learners need to see words, diagrams, charts, outlines, or pictures in order to truly understand and remember the material.These people remember a page in a book like a photograph.For example, a biology student who is a visual learner has to listen and take notes at long lectures in his field.The way he remembers the lecture material is by transforming his notes to diagrams when he gets home.A line drawing or a diagram tells him more than pages and pages of text.For a visual learner, this is the best way to study.

The second type of learner is the auditory learner.This kind of person needs to hear words or sounds in order to master new material.For a student like this, silent reading is not the best way for him to learn, but he will be excellent at following oral directions.For instance, an auditory learner may ask the lecturer's permission to record words, phrases, and sentences—sometimes even whole pages of lecture on his MP3.He has to listen to the recording over and over again in order to grasp what is taught.A person with this learning style should make sure to recite everything he studies so he can listen to his own words.

Finally, there are the kinesthetic learners.People with this learning style like“learning by doing”.Sometimes they learn best by manipulating (操控、把玩) objects, moving around, or doing role-play.A piano player says that he learns English by pretending that grammar rules are laid out on a piano keyboard.To remember one of them, he often moves his fingers up and down on the desk.He“plays”English as he plays the piano.Kinesthetic learners especially enjoy laboratory classes since they can use their whole bodies in the learning process.To study effectively, they find it necessary to try to act out the material they are learning.