首页 研究生英语写作教程(第2版)

Appendix Ⅰ Marking Standardization


The marking of a five-paragraph essay is based on the holistic evaluation (or: global evaluation) , ranging from Band 5 to Band 1;that is, the essay is scored according to its band level performance.Descriptions of band level performance are listed below.

5+Advanced writer.Writers with style, authority, and accuracy.Fluent expression presented in a clear and logical manner.Errors in sentence structure and word usage are infrequent but reveal writer is a non-native.

5.0 Very good writer.Consistently communicates intended meaning with no extra effort required on the part of the reader.Displays wide range and variety of vocabulary and structures.Accurate use of language forms.Clear and logical structure of presentation.Systematic development of essay topic.Some minor grammatical errors.

4.5 Competent writer.Almost always communicates intended meaning with little extra effort required on the part of the reader.Well-structured presentation and development of essay topic.Use of language forms reasonably accurate.Minor problems in complex sentences.Displays a good range of vocabulary and structure.

4.0 Modest writer.Expresses and organizes simple ideas without meaning becoming obscured.Structure of presentation and development of essay topic is logical but may be choppy and not completely cohesive.Effective simple constructions;some problems in complex sentences.Displays an adequate range of vocabulary.Fails to fulfill description of Band 4.5 in part because of the number of errors.

3.5 Marginal writer.Essay largely comprehensible.Requires some re-writing and thorough editing.Expresses and organizes simple ideas with meaning sometimes obscured.Several errors in grammar and word usage.Structure of presentation is loose;main ideas stand out.Competence is doubtful at times.

3.0 Limited writer.Problems with language use and vocabulary often interfere with communication of ideas.Meaning often confused and obscured.Structure of presentation lacks clarity.Frequent grammatical errors.