Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French philosopher, scientist, mathematician, inventor, and theologian1. In mathematics, he was an early pioneer in the fields of game theory and probability theory. In philosophy he was an early pioneer in existentialism. As a writer on theology and religion he was a defender of Christianity.
Despite chronic ill health, Pascal made historic contributions to mathematics and to physical science, including both experimental and theoretical work on hydraulics, atmospheric pressure, and the existence and nature of the vacuum. As a scientist and philosopher of science, Pascal championed strict empirical observation and the use of controlled experiments; he opposed the rationalism and logico-deductive method of the Cartesians; and he opposed the metaphysical speculations and reverence for authority of the theologians of the Middle Ages.
Although he never fully abandoned his scientific and mathematical interests, after his uncanny Night of Fire (the intense mystical illumination and midnight conversion that he experienced on the evening of November 23, 1654), Pascal turned his talents almost exclusively to religious writing. It was during the period from 1656 until his death in 1662 that he wrote The Lettres Provinciales and The Pensées.The Lettres Provinciales is a satirical attack on Jesuit casuistry and a polemical defense of Jansenism. The Pensées is a posthumously2 published collection of unfinished notes for what was intended to be a systematic apologia for the Christian religion. Along with his scientific writings, these two great literary works have attracted the admiration and critical interest of philosophers and serious readers of every generation.
Prompts for Your Reading
1.The author confirms that “The Christian religion consists in two points”. What are the two points?
2.What is the object of the whole course of things according to Pascal?
3.“And on this ground they take occasion to revile the Christian religion, because they misunderstand it.” What is these people’s misunderstanding of God and Christian religion?