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第11章 哲学家与双面神 A Philosopher and the Double-Faced God



A philosopher found a statue of Double-faced God in the ruins of Rome. As it was the first time he had seen such an image he asked curiously,“What god are you? Why do you have double faces?”

The god answered,“I am Double-faced God. I look back to the past with one face to learn lessons and look forward to the future with another full of hope.”

The philosopher asked again,“What about the present —the most significant present? Have you paid any attention to it?”

“The present!”the god was taken aback,“How could I spare a minute to it since I am so busy with the past and the future?”

“The past is gone,”said the philosopher,“while the future is yet to come. What we can grasp is the present; if you ignore the present, your knowledge about the past and future will be meaningless however great it is!”

The god, suddenly awakened to the truth, burst out crying,“How correct your comment is! It was precisely because I didn't grasp the present that the ancient city of Rome was turned into a page of history while I myself was thrown into the ruins.”





