首页 英文爱藏:天使吻过那片海

第17章 在行路中遇见自己 (16)


1. The__ of a journey is liberty, perfect liberty, to think, feel, do, just as one__ . We go a journey chiefly to be free of all impediments and of all inconveniences; to__ ourselves behind, much more to get rid of others.

2. I have heard it__ that you may, when the moody fit comes on, walk or ride on by__ , and indulge your receives.

3. We are not the__ , but another, and perhaps more enviable individual, all the time we are__ of our own country.


1. 虽然我是一个人,但我从不感到孤独。


2. 一朵野玫瑰难道只有得到人们的称赞才能证明它有芳香吗?


3. 我们应该“领悟它,但是别说出来”。



1. I like solitude, when I give myself up to it, for the sake of solitude.

for the sake of:为了


2. From the point of yonder rolling cloud I plunge into my past being, and revel there...

plunge into:陷入;跳入



The Lesson of a Tree

沃尔特·惠特曼 / Walter Whitman



I should not take either the biggest or the most picturesque tree to illustrate it. Here is one of my favorites now before me, a fine yellow poplar, quite straight, perhaps 90 feet high, and four feet thick at the butt. How strong, vital enduring! How dumbly eloquent! What suggestions of imperturbability and being, as against the human trait of mere seeming. Then the qualities, almost emotional, palpably artistic, heroic, of a tree; so innocent and harmless, yet so savage. It is, yet says nothing. How it rebukes by its tough and equable serenity as weathers, this gusty-temper’ s little whiffet, man that runs indoors at a mite of rain or snow. Science (or rather half-way science) scoffs at reminiscence of dryad and hamadryad, and of trees speaking. But, if they don’ t, they do as well as most speaking, writing, poetry, sermons or rather they do a great deal better. I should say indeed that those old dryad — reminiscences are quit as true as any, and profounder than most reminiscences we get. (“Cut this out,” as the quack mediciners say, and keep by you.) Go and sit in a grove or woods, with one or more of those voiceless companions, and read the fore going, and think.