首页 有一种幸福叫守候

第18章 守候瞬间的永恒 (2)


"Hey, Dad! Do you have fifty bucks I could borrow?." He does. Even if he doesn' t, he will find it or go without something so he will have it. Then he feels embarrassed when we pay him back, and he says, "Now, you don' t have to pay it." but we do because it is important to do the right thing. Dad taught us that.

Dad presides over all festive events. "How is today different from other days?" Of course he knows, and knows how to explain; it is he who takes charge and knows how to do everything; he is the leader, and he is in charge of our world. The Captain of the ocean sea.

It is also okay to become the Dad who knows everything, can do everything, and who is in charge of the world.





“嘿,爸爸!我今晚赴约用一下车,可以吗?”“当然可以,但你必须在午夜前回来。”结果,我凌晨两点半才到家,父亲一直没睡,在等着我。小的时候,我们不懂什么是爱,什么是愤慨。父亲大喊大叫,我们不知道是因为他在意,还以为他是在耀武扬威。但这次例外。他说:“上帝保佑你平安归来。去睡吧!我们有话明天再说。”“嘿,爸爸!今天我在学校惹麻烦了,我真的没做错事,可那个愚蠢的老师根本不听我的解释。” “说给我听听,发生了什么事?真是那样吗?”第二天,父亲去学校找老师谈话,将误会解除了。父亲竟如此有能耐!我甚至可以永远依赖他。