佚名 / Anonymous
"Sheesh! Give me a few points for self control!" I snapped at my cranky husband. I wanted to stop at a sporting goods store "Going Out of Business" sale we passed in the mall. "There's nothing we need", his usual grumpy male comment. "It's all overpriced junk. If they had anything good they wouldn't be going out of business."
"But, it's sporting goods," I wheedled. "could be some good deals for the grandkids. And, you like boats and fishing stuff. I've put up with that photo of your 'dream-canoe' stuck on the bathroom mirror for years now. Maybe you'd enjoy just looking around?"
"Are you crazy?" his eyes got funny and he said something like. "The boat I want is the Supremo Numero-Uno blah-blah. Soon as I finish saving up 6 000 bucks for that baby I'm going to order right from the manufacturer. Custom. In silver. This loser store wouldn't carry something like THAT. And I'm sure not going near those sucker crowds."