Final Chapter
I recently read an article about a 22-year-old woman. She was a successful young lady who died prematurely. She died in a plane crash. It’s not just sad that she died. It’s also sad that she was so young.
The more I read about this person, the heavier my heart became. She had died before completing a book that she was writing. There was only one chapter left. Now there’s a book in the world that will never be finished.
I know it’s not the first time someone has passed away before completing something but this story really spoke to me. I realized that life is like a book that is being written. Every second of your life is like a word on a page. Every day that passes is like a page in the book.
You are the author of your book. You decide what happens and who the characters are in the story of your life. You control what the main character says and does with the other characters.
Everyday, whether you like it or not, the story of your life is being written. Every word you say or don’t say, every action you take or don’t take, shapes the story. How you live and how you treat others also shape the story. Maybe your book didn’t start out very well. Maybe you made some poor choices here and there that led to a poor story. But we can all turn that story around. The book can end with the story turning out to be fantastic.
With our present and future actions we can control how the final chapters of our books will be. Start a new chapter today. If I read your book as you had written it so far, would I enjoy it? Would it be interesting? Or would it be about sitting on the couch and watching TV? Would it be about surfing the internet for hours and stuffing junk food in your mouth?
Start a chapter that would be a delight for you and other people to read. Live life to the fullest, so you get a really interesting story. Live a life of kindness and goodness so your story will be inspirational and motivational to others who read it. Happy writing!