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香港联合声明签字仪式上的讲话 Speech at the Signature Ceremony of the Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong


玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔/Margaret Hilda Thatcher


This is a historic occasion. And I am particularly pleased to see that Chairman Deng Xiaoping is able to be present. The Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong, which we have just signed on behalf of our two governments, is a landmark in the life of the territory, in the course of Anglo-Chinese relations, and in the history of international diplomacy. The Agreement establishes a firm basis for confidence in Hong Kong after 1997 and beyond, and for its continued stability, prosperity and growth.

I remember with pleasure my last visit to China in September 1982 and my discussions with Chinese leaders. At my meeting with Chairman Deng Xiaoping on that occasion, we agreed to open talks on the future of Hong Kong. Our common aim was to maintain the territory' s stability and prosperity. It is in a spirit of pride and of optimism about the future that I now return to sign the agreement, which is the result of those talks.

I think you will agree that the negotiations were not always easy. At certain points there were difficult decisions to be made on both sides. There were moments of tension. To overcome these difficulties we needed to draw on a shared fund of goodwill; on friendship; and on a common commitment to Hong Kong' s future. This was what made success possible. I should like to pay tribute to the dedication of the two negotiating teams and all their sup-porting staff. It is thanks to the imagination and resource which they showed that we can sign an agreement today.