首页 普通高中特色建设:谋划与实施

Foreword Characteristics


Make General Senior High Schools Attractive

After the realization of standardized development, schools will head for individual characteristic development. The “Standardized development” is for schools to reach the government's standards and meet common needs of students for their general development, while the “individual characteristic development” is to promote the development of school features and meet students’ personalized needs for a diverse development.

The feature development of Senior high schools has been an important theme in the past 30 years of senior secondary education development. Especially in 2010, China unveiled the Outline of the National Medium and Long-term Plan for Education Reform and Development(2010—2020年), in which the central government explicitly proposed the policy of “promoting the diverse development of general senior high schools” and “encouraging the characteristic development of general senior high schools”. Then, a top-level design of senior secondary education has been formed in the provincial and municipal medium and long-term plans for education reform and development, and a series of initiatives have been promulgated at the same time. It can be said that senior high school feature development is an important strategic layout of senior high school development in China. It aims at facilitating the diversification of cultivation modes at the senior secondary stage and meeting the development needs of different students, so that it can serve the need of diverse talents for the national political and economic development and the individualized needs of school development. However, both theoretical and practical issues have emerged, such as, how we understand the feature development of senior high schools; how we plan the senior high school feature development (for a region and a school); how we evaluate/assess senior high school feature development, etc. These issues need our prompt practice-oriented theoretical research so as to lead the direction of senior high school feature development in a region and in a school and solve relevant concrete problems, provide diverse top-level designs and reference cases for regional senior high school feature development, and offer thinking patterns and tools for school principals to think about school feature development. As a result, we can improve the scientificity, feasibility and effectiveness of school feature development.