Do you know that an impression is made with in the first seven seconds of meeting someone? Seven seconds is really an extremely small amount of time,so you must count on your etiquette skills and social bearings to leave a good impression within such limited time.Are you familiar with these skills in today’s society? Well,it is never too late to learn.
Greater importance has been attached to the guidelines of manners at present than before,although these rules have always been observed for ages.It is essential for us to develop the habit of implementing these etiquette and protocol skills into everyday life.A person displaying etiquette not only feels good about himself/herself,he/she also makes those around feel important and respected.
Social grace endows you the power to handle any situation with ease,regardless of being in an interview or at a banquet.Your confidence will make those around you feel relaxed and comfortable.For example,you will have a clear idea of how to have bread,which fork to use and where to place your napkin at a dinner date.By contrast,the film Pretty Woman gives us an example of how it feels not knowing the proper etiquette.Do you still remember when Julia Roberts had no idea of how to use her appetizer utensil? It was apparent that she was perplexed and had no other choice but to follow suit.Provided that you are equipped with social manners,you’ll be spared these troubles.
Proper etiquette is not only important in a social situation but also vital in a business setting.You must be armed with confidence to be accustomed to the volatile circumstances.Propitious etiquette will help you to win admiration,which is in turn advantageous for business.Suppose there are two people applying for a top position in a big corporation.One is late for the interview and dressed improperly and he/she fails to make eye contact with the interviewer while the other,who comes early and is smartly dressed,displays his/her great zeal and courage for the position during the interview?Who do you think will be selected for the top position? Obviously,the person who displays proper business etiquette will always gain the upper hand in such situations.