路易斯·绍尔斯/Louis Shores
If you are an average reader you can read all average book at the ra te of 300 words a minute.You cannot maintain that average;however,unl ess you read regularly every day.Nor can you attain that speed with har d books in science,mathematics,agriculture,business,or any subject t hat is new or unfamiliar to you.The chances are you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race through some passages in fiction over which you wish to linger.But for most novels,biographies,and boo ks about travel,hobbies or personal interests,if you are an average re ader you should have no trouble at all absorbing meaning and pleasure ou t of 300 printed words every 60 seconds.
Statistics are not always practicable,but consider these:If the av erage reader can read 300 words a minute of average reading,then in 15 minutes he can read 4,500 words.Multiplied by 7,the days of the week,the product is 31,500.Another multiplication by 4,the weeks of the mon th,makes 126,000.And final multiplication by 12,the months of the tot al number of words of average reading an average reader can do in just 15 minutes a day for one year.
Books vary in length from 60,000 to 100,000 words.The average is ab out 75,000 words.In one year of average reading by an average reader fo r 15 minutes a day,20 books will be read.That's a lot of books.It is 4 times the number of books read by public-library borrowers in America.And yet it is easily possible.
One of the greatest of all modern physicians was Sir William Osler.He taught at the Johns Hopkins Medical School.He finished his teaching days at McGil University.Many of the outstanding physicians today were his students.Nearly all of the practicing doctors of today were brought up on his medical textbooks.Among his many remarkable contributions to medicine are his unpublished notes on how people die.
His greatness is attributed by his biographers and critics not alone to his profound medical knowledge and insight but to his broad general e ducation,for he was a very cultured man.He was interested in what men have done and thought throughout the ages.And he knew that the only way to find out what the best experiences of the race had been was to read w hat people had written.But Osler's problem was the same as everyone el se's,only more so.He was a busy physician,a teacher of physicians,a nd a medical-research specialist.There was no time in a 24-hour day tha t did not rightly belong to one of these three occupations,except the f ew hours for sleep,meals,and bodily functions.