首页 英语索途:一位英语教师的求索之路




人教版高中英语教师用书在教材使用说明中指出:“教师应从实际出发,灵活而又有创造性地使用教科书。”的确,教师不是“教教材”,而是“用教材”。教师要从学生的实际需要和语言知识结构出发,灵活而又有创造性地使用教材,使教材真正为我所用。另外,教师要从教材所提供的文化背景角度出发,培养学生的人文素养和思维品质。例如,选修八“Unit 4 Pygmalion”涉及一则希腊神话故事。在学习《皮格马利翁》剧情时,学生扮演剧中人物,朗读人物对话及剧情独白,营造绘声绘色的语境,结合故事背景、故事情节,复述剧情,呈现剧情中的人文素材。接着,学生围绕“皮格马利翁效应”的短文内容,根据写作要点,拓展思维空间,进行写作。


Pygmalion,a sculptor and prince of Cyprus,created an ivory statue of his ideal woman.As a result,Galatea he called was so beautiful that he immediately fell in love with it.He begged the goddess Aphrodite to breathe life into the statue and make her his own.Aphrodite granted Pygmalion his wish,the statue came to life and the couple married and lived happily ever after.

The story was also the basis of George Bernard Shaw's play“Pygmalion”.In Shaw's play,Professor Henry Higgins claims he can take a Cockney flower girl,Eliza Doolittle,and turn her into a duchess.But,as Eliza herself points out to Higgins' friend Pickering,it isn't what she learns or does that determines whether she will become a duchess,but how she's treated.