职业胜任力指标问卷(Career Competencies Indicator, CCI)的主要维度有目标设定与规划(goal setting and career planning)、自我认知(self-knowledge)、工作绩效有效性(job-related performance)、职业相关技能(career related skills)、政治技能(knowledge of politics)、寻求反馈与自我展示(feedback seeking and self-presentation)、职业指导与社交网络(networking and mentoring)。其中,目标设定与计划共有5个项目,自我认知共有5个项目,工作绩效有效性共有5个项目,职业相关技能有7个项目,政治技能有5个项目,职业指导与社交网络有8个项目,寻求反馈与自我展示有8个项目。另外,职业指导与社交网络和寻求反馈与自我展示属于“知道谁”维度,目标设定与规划和自我认知属于“知道为什么”维度,工作绩效有效性、职业相关技能以及政治技能属于“知道怎么做”维度,一共有43个题目。该问卷为5点计分,从“完全不同意”到“完全同意”。该问卷适用于所有工作人群,且建立了可信的信效度资料,具备较大的推广价值( Francis-Smythe, Haase, & Thomas et al., 2013)。问卷内容如下。
1=complete ly disagree(完全不同意); 2=somewhat disagree(有点不同意); 3=neutral(中立); 4=somewhat agree(有点同意); 5=completely agree(完全同意)
1.I know what to do to get the most desirable assignments in my area.
2.I have a good understanding of how to use training and development processes.
3.I have a good understand of the motives behind the actions of other people at work.
4.I know who the most influential people are in my work.
5.I have a good understanding of the politics in my work.