职业胜任力问卷(Career Competencies Questionnaire, CCQ-21)采用利克特5点计分法,从“完全不同意”到“完全同意”,共有21个项目(Akklermans, et al., 2013),主要测量因素有动机自省、自我意识、社交网络、自我展示、工作探索、职业控制。其中动机自省有3个项目,自我意识有3个项目,社交网络有4个项目,自我展示有4个项目,工作探索有3个项目,职业控制有4个项目。该量表主要适用于年轻员工,且该量表建立了良好的信效度资料。
1=comple tely disagree(完全不同意); 2=somewhat disagree(有点不同意); 3=neutral(中立); 4=somewhat agree(有点同意); 5=completely agree(完全同意)
1.I know what I like in my work.
2.I know what is important to me in my career.
3.I can clearly see what my passions are in my work.
4.I know my strengths in my work.
5.I am familiar with my shortcomings in my work.
6.I am aware of my talents in my work.
7.I know which skills I possess.
8.I know a lot of people within my work who can help me with my career.
9.I know a lot of people outside of my work who can help me with my career.
10.I know how to ask for advice from people in my network.
11.I am able to approach the right persons to help me with my career.
12.I can clearly show others what my strengths are in my work.